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                Figure 5(b): Strain gauge placement. Pattern and designation on the left and positioning on the deck at right (all dimensions are in mm)

           Table 1: Loading protocol (steps 11-22 relate to the   the 12 potentiometers, 9 were in contact with the top surface
           strengthened specimen only)                            of the overhang [rows 1, 2, and 3 in Figure 5(a)] and 3 were in
            LOAD   LOAD PER  EQUIVALENT   LOAD LEVEL DESCRIPTOR   contact with the bottom surface of the overhang [row 4 in Figure
            STEP  HYDRAULIC  UNIFORMLY   (WALL LOAD IS 21.6 kN/m   5(a)]. 47 strain gauges were applied to the top side of the FRP
                           LOAD (kN/m)  INDICATED WHERE POSSIBLE   strips after they were bonded into the grooves cut in concrete.
                                         AS APPROXIMATIONS OF     Two patterns were used as shown in Figure 5(b).
                                        MULTIPLES OF WALL LOADS
                                           AS DESCRIPTORS)        Load applied to the specimens was monotonically increased
             1       24        30                                 following the sequence shown in Table 1 with the load held
             2       36        45            ~2 (Wall load)       briefly at each load level to enable observation of cracks and
             3       48        60                                 deterioration.
             4       60        75
             5       72        90            ~4 (Wall load)       3.  TEST RESULTS
             6       84        105
                                                                  An overall comparison of the load-deflection response of the
             7       90       112.5          ~5 (Wall load)       two specimens is shown in Figures 6(a) and (b). The load reflects
             8       96        120                                the level in each hydraulic jack and the deflection is as measured
             9      102       126.3    Predicted moment capacity of   at center of the overhang. For purposes of comparison with
                                            as-built specimen     theory, the vertical deflections of the deck slab overhang were
             10     114       142.5     Ultimate capacity of as-built   predicted using a piecewise linear structural analysis that
                                                                  employs varying sectional properties throughout the system
             11     116        145                                incorporating moment-curvature data from RESPONSE 2000  [17] ,
             12     130       162.5                               with the moment profile for the deck slab being determined
             13     136        170                                using RISA-2D  [20] . The deck slab was modeled as a beam which
             14     142       177.5          ~8 (Wall load)       was placed on three pinned supports located at the center of
                                                                  each vertical stem. The deck slab was sectioned into multiple
             15     148        185
                                                                  pieces that maintain continuity throughout the member in
             16     160        200           ~9 (Wall load)
                                                                  order to allow different properties to be assigned to each
             17     166       207.5
                                                                  piece. Moment values at different points along the deck slab
             18     172        215
                                                                  were determined from the moment profile due to a downward
             19     178       222.5          ~10 (Wall load)      vertical load applied to the end of the overhang region of the
             20     184        230                                deck slab. The average moment acting within each section was
             21     190       237.5                               determined and the moment of inertia value for each section
             22     196        245           ~11 (Wall load)      was changed based on the input from moment-curvature data to
                                           Ultimate capacity of   determine the deflections of the deck slab overhang as loading
                                          strengthened specimen
                                                                  was increased.

                                                                               THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL | JUNE 2021  13
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