Page 11 - June-Month
P. 11


                    (a) Initial cracking along the longitudinal rebar

                  (c) Overhang edge prior to removal of loose concrete

                  (d) Overhang edge after removal of loose concrete     (b) Diagonal crack on edge going below concrete cover
                                               Figure 7: Details of damage to overhang region

           116 kN, which corresponds to a 38% greater load. A comparison   along both the edges of the slab initiating from the top surface
           of the deflection profiles along the center of the specimens at   of the deck at this load level. At a load level of 196 kN per
           these loading levels, as shown in Figures 9(a) and (b), shows the   hydraulic jack, the ultimate tensile strength of the top concrete
           clearly evident stiffening and strengthening effect of the NSM   cover layer was exceeded and the bond between the FRP and
           FRP strips.                                            the concrete was lost. This damage was quickly followed by the

           At a level of 184 kN per jack, hair-line cracking was observed on   opening and propagation of a large diagonal crack along the
           the top of the overhang surface following the top longitudinal   strut formed, as shown in Figure 8(a), indicating attainment of
           steel reinforcement bars. Minor diagonal cracks were noted   ultimate capacity of the overhang for resisting vertical loads.

           Figure 8: Damage at ultimate capacity showing concrete cracking and local debonding of the NSM FRP adhesive from the concrete in the right figure

                                                                               THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL | JUNE 2021  15
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