Page 5 - June-Month
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           designers” . Other similar guidelines are provided by Wassef   2.  SPECIMENS AND TEST CONFIGURATION
           et al. [10]  and AASHTO . Of special import is the rehabilitation
           of elevated roadways such as those on box-girder type bridges   In order to replicate field conditions where the placement of
           where the addition of sound walls on the overhang generally   sound walls would be difficult using conventional rehabilitation
           necessitates the addition of steel reinforcement to strengthen   measures, the case of a sound wall as required by code in the
           the overhang region primarily due to the substantial increase   case of placement on the overhang of an existing box-girder
           in dead-load on a narrow concentrated region at the extreme   bridge section on top of the K-rail was considered . This is
           of the overhang in excess of the original design loads. The   shown schematically in Figure 1.
           most common solution is to remove the entire edge region
           and rebuild it with additional reinforcement to accommodate   The overall test specimen was configured to be a reinforced
           the additional vertical and moment loading which results in an   concrete two-cell box-girder [as shown in sectional view in
           expensive and time-consuming process that also requires lane   Figure 2(a)] with a center-to-center span of 1830 mm between
           closures .                                             each of the girders and a length of 3660 mm. The specimen
                                                                  deck is 178 mm thick and the distance from the stem wall to
           This paper investigates the use of near surface mounted   the edge of the overhang is 483 mm. The bottom slab was 152
           (NSM) fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement as a   mm thick and the widths of the outer and center girders were
           means of rapidly and cost-effectively strengthening the   254 mm and 305 mm, respectively. All steel reinforcements
           existing overhang regions of box-girder type sections using   were implemented as per AASHTO-LRFD specifications . The
           the NSM FRP to provide the additional reinforcement without   deck steel reinforcement consisted of a top and bottom layer of
           having to remove existing structural concrete or having to
           substantially delay traffic due to closures that might have been
           necessitated by conventional construction. Details related to
           the use of externally bonded FRP for strengthening of beams
           and slabs have been reported extensively in the literature and
           specifications were provided through a Transportation Research
           Board project [13, 14] , and hence will not be repeated herein.
           Rather the focus is on experimental testing to show viability
           of use for rapid rehabilitation without necessitating extensive
           additional construction and lane closures, and to validate results
           of the design. In that vein, the assessment of load capacity,
           strain development, and failure modes are the primary focus of
           the research so as to assess the suitability of the technique for
           rapid and effective strengthening using near surface mounted
           FRP strips as an alternative to the extensive removal of existing
           concrete for the placement of additional steel reinforcement as
           would be done conventionally.

                                                                       Figure 1(b): Details for the sound wall following Caltrans [9]
             Figure 1(a): Schematic of sound wall placed onto the overhang of a    (All dimensions are in mm. Note that #16 and #19 bars have nominal
                            box-girder bridge deck                       diameters of 15.875 mm and 19.05 mm, respectively)

                                                                               THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL | JUNE 2021  9
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