Page 9 - Open-Access-May-2020
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                                                                    (c)                            (d)

                 (a)                   (b)                          (e)

                                                (g)                                                 (f)

          Figure 5: Preparation of a specimen (a) Fabrication of inner reinforcement cage (b) Casting and compaction (c) Surface roughening of inner portion
                           (d) Water jet washing (e) Fabrication of jacket reinforcement cage (f) Casting of SCC and (g) Curing

         (b)  After sufficient curing, the interface preparation was done.   concrete, and before demoulding. This precaution helped
         The surfaces of the inner portion were adequately roughened   in avoiding the formation of further cracks till the removal of
         by hand chipping to expose the aggregates. Bonding agent   specimen from the mould, and before subjecting it to moist
         was not used. This method was considered to be adequate for   curing.
         interface preparation based on previous studies  [6, 8, 12] .
                                                                5.  DETAILS OF EXPERIMENT
         (c)  The surface was then washed by water jet to remove any
         dust and dislodged aggregate.                          The particulars of the testing and instrumentation arrangements,
                                                                and test procedure are explained in this section. A specimen
         (d)  The jacket reinforcing steel was fabricated around the inner
         portion.                                               was tested horizontally, with a single transverse load at mid-
                                                                span. This type of loading was selected in preference to
         (e)  The specimen was pre-wetted to have a saturated dry   eccentric compression, to ensure failure under shear. Also
         surface. It was placed in a separate mould along with cover   for the specimens reported here, axial compression was not
         blocks. jacket concrete was cast with the mixed SCC.   applied to avoid enhancement of shear capacity in presence of
                                                                compressive stress.
         (f)  After 24 hours, the specimen was demoulded and stacked
         for moist curing. However, it was observed that a specimen   5.1  Details of Test Set-Up
         was warm within a few hours after casting. This was due to the
         exothermic reaction of the admixtures in SCC. This emergence   The test set-up is shown in Figure 6. The overall arrangement
         of heat caused the formation of visible micro-cracks on the   included the hydraulic testing machine, pedestals to support a
         surface of some of the specimens. Hence, the specimen was   specimen, load-control mechanism and data acquisition system.
         covered with moist gunny bags just after the initial setting of   For testing using a bending machine, a specimen was simply

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