Page 4 - Open-Access-May-2020
P. 4


         Performance of HigH-

         StrengtH concrete

         aS Jacket material

         in StrengtHening

         aPPlicationS                                                                     Komathi murugan

                                                                                          amlan K. Sengupta


         A major advantage of high-strength concrete (HSC) is the
         reduction in size of members in a reinforced concrete building.
         The present research examines the application of HSC as a
         jacketing material to increase the shear strength of columns.
         Self-compacting concrete of two different strengths (high and
         normal) was used to jacket twelve shear-critical beam-column
         specimens. The details of specimen preparation, tests and
         results are discussed in this paper. It was observed that the
         use of HSC is suitable for increasing the shear capacity of
         columns with thin jackets, with improvement in dowel action
         of the added longitudinal bars and diagonal crushing strength
         of the concrete. There was no undesirable increase in stiffness
         as compared to the specimens jacketed with normal-strength
         concrete.                                               Figure 1: Concrete jacketing of a column (Courtesy: Engineering Unit,
                                                                    IIT Madras, and Hitech Concrete Solutions Chennai Pvt. Ltd.)
         Keywords: jacket; High-strength Concrete; Self-compacting
         Concrete; Shear Capacity; Shear-critical.              concrete (HSC) as the jacketing material. This is a local
                                                                retrofitting strategy, which is applied on selected individual
         1.  INTRODUCTION                                       columns. The short columns can exist in the following situations.

         Several disastrous earthquakes have occurred in the past.      •   In an open ground storey with low storey height,
         Post-earthquake reconnaissance studies have reported severe     used for car parking
         damage to reinforced concrete (RC) structures along with      •   In the staircase in between a floor and the mid-level
         casualties. These incidences have exposed the vulnerability     landing
         of existing structures to seismic forces. The vulnerability of
         an existing structure can be ascertained based on a suitable      •   Next to a fenestration opening
         condition assessment procedure. Retrofitting/strengthening of
         existing structures for seismic forces at global and local levels,   For such a column, the height to a lateral dimension ratio is
         can reduce their vulnerability (Figure 1). A suitable retrofitting   low. In absence of adequate amount of ties, it can have a brittle
         scheme combining global and local strategies should be   shear failure during an earthquake, compromising its capacity to
         selected based on appropriate analyses of the pre-retrofit and   carry gravity loads. Hence, such shear-critical columns need to
         post-retrofit conditions of the entire structure, as well as of its   be strengthened.
                                                                HSC is preferred for jacketing based on minimal increase in size
         The present research focused on the strengthening of short   of the members, thereby limiting the reduction in floor area and
         columns in RC multi-storied buildings, with high-strength   increase in the mass of the structure. Since the jacket typically

                                                                               The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | MaY 2020  5
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