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         at the compressive strengths of inner and jacket concrete.   corresponding to HSSCC and NSSCC with target strengths of
         Inner portion concrete had a 30-day gap between 28  day and   70 MPa and 40 MPa respectively, were adopted from a previous
         test day. The specimens were tested on 28 days age of jacket   study  [17] . The flowability through the narrow space in the
         concrete.                                              formwork without segregation or bleeding is necessary during
                                                                jacketing. The self-compactibility was achieved by limiting the
         4.2.1  Conventional Concrete for the Inner             coarse aggregate content (which reduced the internal stresses
         Portion                                                due to aggregate particle friction) and using superplasticizer.
                                                                The SCC was mixed in a pan-type tilting mixer machine, poured
         The inner portion concrete consisted of ordinary portland   in a mould and allowed to set without any compaction (Figure 3).
         cement, fine aggregate (river sand), coarse aggregate of
         nominal size 20 mm and water as the constituents. Mineral
         or chemical admixtures were not added. The concrete was
         prepared in a conventional drum-type mixer machine of 100
         litres capacity. It was placed in a mould and compacted using
         a needle vibrator. The target strength of the inner portions of
         jacketed specimens was 20 MPa. This was similar to that used in
         existing buildings.

         4.2.2  SCC for the Jacket Portion

         The SCC had portland pozzolana cement, fine aggregate (river
         sand), coarse aggregate of nominal size 8 mm, superplasticizer
         and water as its constituents. The superplasticizer was poly-
         carboxylic ether based, with low viscosity and high performance   (a)                        (b)
         quality. In the trial mixes, these constituents were adjusted such   Figure 3: Preparation of SCC (a) Mixing of ingredients and
         that the concrete flowed under its own weight. The mix ratios             (b) Casting of cubes

         Table 1: Details of Concrete Mix Design and Salient Measures of Compressive Strengths

                              mix ratio →
                       cement : fine aggregate :                             comPreSSive           comPreSSive
          SPecimen     coarSe aggregate : Water :     target StrengtH          StrengtH             StrengtH
             iD                                            (mPa)               at 28 DayS       at tHe Day of teSt
                           SuPerPlaSticizer                                      (mPa)                (mPa)
                             (% of cement)
                       inner          Jacket          inner     Jacket     inner     Jacket      inner     Jacket
          HSSCC 1A
          HSSCC 1B

          HSSCC 2A                   1 : 1.7 : 1.3 :             70.0
          HSSCC 2B                   0.3 : 1.0%                             20.4       69.1       22.6      69.1

          HSSCC 3A
          HSSCC 3B   1 : 3.2 : 4.9 :
          NSSCC 1A     0.7 : Nil                       20.0

          NSSCC 1B
          NSSCC 2A                   1 : 1.8 : 1.4 :             40.0       19.8       43.7       20.3      43.7
          NSSCC 2B                   0.4 : 0.4 %

          NSSCC 3A
          NSSCC 3B

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