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         showed that the interface of roughened concrete surface   7.  RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
         performed adequately under the monotonic lateral load. When
         two closely spaced parallel shear cracks formed, then the jacket   The data recorded from each test at every increment of lateral
         concrete between the cracks showed delamination beyond the   load were as follows: mid-span deflection, diagonal strains,
         peak load.                                             mid-span longitudinal strains and crack widths. The data for
                                                                lateral load and mid-span deflection only are presented, to
                                                                compare the values of shear strength and lateral stiffness of the
                                                                specimens. For brevity, the tests on control specimens and the
                                                                remaining test data as reported in  [19]  are not reproduced here.

                                                                7.1 Salient Levels of Lateral Load
                                                                The salient lateral loads from each test such as load at first
                                                                flexural crack, load at first shear crack and ultimate load are
                                                                shown in Figure 8a. The compressive strength of HSSCC (69.1
                                                                MPa) is 58% higher than the compressive strength of NSSCC
                                                                (43.7 MPa). The increases in the flexural and shear cracking
                                                                loads for the HSSCC jacketed specimens were not substantial
                                  (b)                           as compared to those of the corresponding NSSCC jacketed
                                                                specimens with same amount of longitudinal reinforcement. This
                                                                is because the corresponding modulus of rupture and diagonal
                                                                cracking strength of the jacket concrete are governed by the
                                                                tensile strength of concrete. However, there were substantial
                                                                increases in the ultimate loads, because the failure was
                                                                governed by propagation of the major diagonal crack through
                                  (c)                           concrete, under compression at the top in the jacket concrete
                                                                as well as the inner concrete. With increase in the compressive
                                                                strength of jacket concrete, there is improvement in the
                                                                resistance to crack propagation and widening.

                                                                It can be observed from the complete set of specimens that, the
                                                                increase in ultimate load and hence the shear strength, due to
                                                                change in concrete strength was more compared to the increase
                                                                due to dowel action from the increase in amount of jacket
                                                                longitudinal reinforcement. This is shown in Figure 8b, where
                                                                the average trend lines are shown, considering two specimens in
                                                                each type of concrete, for a particular value of ‘∆p ’. This shows
                                                                the benefit of using HSSCC as compared to NSSCC for thin

                                                                7.2  Lateral Load versus Mid-Span Deflection

                                                                The lateral load versus the mid-span deflection curves for the
                                                                specimens of HSSCC and NSSCC jackets are plotted in Figures
                                                                9a and 9b, respectively. It can be observed that, for either type
                                                                of jacket concrete, there is a slight increase of initial stiffness
                                  (f)                           with increase in the amount of jacket longitudinal reinforcement.
                                                                This is shown by the average trend lines in Figure 9c. However,
          Figure 7: Typical failure patterns of specimens (a) Specimen HSSCC 1A   the increase in ultimate load due to increase in reinforcement
          (b) Specimen HSSCC 2A (c) Specimen HSSCC 3B (d) Specimen NSSCC   is more for the specimens with HSSCC jackets. This shows the
               1A (e) Specimen NSSCC 2A and (f) Specimen NSSCC 3B
                                                                benefit of HSSCC in improving the dowel action.

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