Page 12 - Open-Access-May-2020
P. 12


                                  (a)                                                    (b)
                      Figure 8: Observations from tests (a) Salient levels of lateral loads and (b) Increase in shear strength with increase in
                                                compressive strength of jacket concrete

                             (a)                                (b)                                  (c)
                 Figure 9: Lateral load versus mid-span deflection curves of specimens (a) Specimens with HSSCC (b) Specimens with NSSCC and
                                    (c) Variation of initial stiffness with compressive strength of jacket concrete

                             (a)                                (b)                                  (c)
                    Figure 10: Comparison of behaviour curves of HSSCC with NSSCC jacketed specimens (a) Specimens with ∆p  = 0.38%
                                      (b) Specimens with ∆p  = 1.54% and (c) Specimens with ∆p  = 3.83%
                                                      t,j                       t,j
                                                                               The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | MaY 2020  13
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