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            THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL       not liable for any damage or inconvenience, caused
            Volume  •  94 Number 5  •  May 2020  •  Pages 72  to anyone who may have acted on the information   Cover image source:
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            ISSN (Digital) : 0019-4565        This is a Scopus indexed journal.

         02        EDITORIAL                                    32        Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete in Ambient
                                                                          Curing using Industrial Wastes
                                                                          Amarendra Kumar Mohapatra, Dillip Kumar Bera,
                                                                          Bainsi Dhara Nayak, A. K. Rath
                                                                43        Effect of Temperature on High Strength Fly Ash
                          PART I : FEATURES                               Concrete
                                                                          A.Venkateswara Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao
         04        NEWS and EVENTS                              50        utilization of Concrete Panels with Reinforced

                                                                          from Bamboo Petung Indonesia for Irrigation
                                                                          Water Gate
                                                                          Nanang Saiful Rizal, Agung Nilogiri,
                     PART II : TECHNICAL PAPERS                           Totok Dwi Kuryanto
         05        Performance of High-Strength Concrete as Jacket   58   Comparison of Gradual and Sudden Cooling
                                                                          on Fly Ash Concrete on Exposure to Elevated
                   Material in Strengthening Applications
                   Komathi Murugan, Amlan K. Sengupta                     Temperatures
                                                                          Shweta Patil, K. B. Prakash
         16        Design of Reinforced Concrete Drilled Shafts in             PART III : DISCUSSIoN

                   Poor Soils: Case Studies
                   Sriram Kalaga                                66        Development of IS 456 Shear Design
                                                                          Provisions-I: Members Without Shear
         25        Investigation on Shear Performance of Steel Fiber      Reinforcement and II: Members Without Shear
                   Based High Strength Concrete Beams: A Review
                   Jagdish Chand, S. M. Gupta, Babita Saini               Paper by Dipti Ranjan Sahoo
                                                                          Discussion by N. Subramanian

         The Indian Concrete Journal, ISSN 0019-4565 Copyright © 2020 ACC Limited. All copyright in all materials published in The Indian Concrete Journal are owned by ACC Limited. None of this material
         may be used for any commercial or public use, other than for the purpose of fair dealing, research or private study, or review of the contents of the journal, in part or in whole, and may not be reproduced or
         stored in any media for mass circulation without the prior written consent of the publisher.
         CIRCULATION OFFICE: The Indian Concrete Journal, ACC Limited. L.B. Shastri Road, Near Teen Haath Naka, Next to Eternity Mall, Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, INDIA.
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