Page 8 - June-2022
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                Figure 2: Measured tensile stress-strain properties of steel
                              reinforcement bars

           highlights the specified material properties of the selected steel
           grades as per IS: 1786 (2008)  [20]  with those of Grade 80 steel of
           ASTM A706  [21]  and ASTM A615  [22] . The elongation requirement
           of Fe-550D grade steel is higher than the ASTM A706  [21] /A615  [22]   Figure 3: Photograph of test set-up and instrumentation
           Grade 80 steel.
                                                                  load being applied to the specimens. Three linear variable
           Tensile coupon tests were carried out to determine the actual   differential transformers (LVDTs) were used to measure the
           stress-strain characteristics of the steel rebars. Figure 2 shows   deflection of beams at mid-spans as well as at exactly below
           the measured stress-strain curves of all steel grades. All steel   the loading points. Two string pots were placed diagonally in
           bars exhibited a definite yield point similar to the ASTM A615  [22]    each shear span of the test beams to measure the diagonal
           steel. The measured material properties of all three steel   shear crack width. In addition, a hand-held crack width ruler of a
           grades satisfied the minimum requirements of IS: 1786 (2008)  [20]    magnification factor of 0.01 mm was used to manually measure
           specifications. The yield strengths of Fe-500D, Fe-550D, and   the widths of flexural and shear cracks. Electrical-resistance
           Fe-600 steel grades were measured as 540 MPa, 580 MPa, and   strain gauges were attached to the steel reinforcement at the
           620 MPa, respectively. The tensile strength of Fe-600 steel grade   pre-defined locations, namely, the mid-height of stirrups in
           was observed as 695 MPa with a maximum elongation of 17.5 %.   the shear zones, the longitudinal bars in the shear zones, and
           The tensile strength and the percentage of total elongation of   the longitudinal tensile steel at the mid-span. All sensors were
           Fe-550D grade steel were measured as 680 MPa and 19.5 %,   connected to an automatic data acquisition system to monitor
           respectively. The corresponding values were measured as   and record the data during the testing.
           605 MPa and 22 % for the Fe-500D grade steel.
                                                                  4.  TEST RESULTS
           3.3  Test setup and instrumentation                    All specimens were subjected to a gradually increasing
                                                                  monotonic loading at an increment of about 20 kN till failure.
           Four-point bending tests were conducted on the test specimens.
           Shear span was varied in the test specimens to achieve the   A specimen was considered to be failed when the measured
                                                                  post-peak load was dropped by more than 20 % of the peak
           desired range of a/d ratios. Figure 3 shows the test setup   value. The main parameters studied were the load-displacement
           and instrumentation adopted in this study. A hydraulic jack   behavior, state of strain in longitudinal and transverse steel
           of 2000 kN capacity supported by a steel frame was used to   bars, crack propagation, and the final mode of failure. These
           apply the lateral load on the test specimens through a steel   parameters are discussed in the following sections.
           loading beam using two roller supports. The beams were
           supported over two steel plates of 100 mm wide and 12.5 mm
           thickness. These steel plates were placed over two rollers as   4.1  Load-deflection behavior
           shown in the figure. A load cell was used between the loading   All three beam specimens of Set-I exhibited a nearly linear
           beam and the hydraulic jack to measure the magnitude of the   behavior till the peak load beyond which a reduction in the

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