Page 5 - June-2022
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           and the high-performance (HP) steel (yield strength = 690 MPa)   The present study investigates the suitability of high-strength
           conforming to ASTM 1035-07  as the shear stirrups of the same   steel as shear reinforcement in concrete beams of low shear
           longitudinal spacing. The enhancement in shear strength and   span ratios experimentally. The main objective of this study is to
           reduction in shear crack width was noted in beams reinforced   investigate the influence of the grade of concrete and the grade
           with the HP steel. As the failure of these beams was controlled   of reinforcing steel on the shear behavior of concrete members.
           by the crushing of the concrete strut, it was suggested that the   This study presents the results of six concrete beams reinforced
           yield strength of HP steel should be limited to 550 MPa in the   with high-strength steel as the longitudinal as well as transverse
           design of shear reinforcement. Subsequent tests by Munikrishna   reinforcement tested up to failure. Two different grades of
           et al. confirmed that the width of shear cracks in the concrete   concrete representing the normal-strength and high-strength
           beams with the HP steel as shear stirrups was within the   concrete are used in the test specimens. The influence of the
           allowable limits. Lee et al.  concluded that the compressive   shear span-depth (a/d) ratio, the type of longitudinal as well as
           strength of concrete in RC beams had a strong influence on the   transverse reinforcing steel, and the spacing of stirrups on the
           utilization of high-strength shear stirrups. The yield strength of   shear behavior of beams have been investigated.
           shear reinforcement beyond 600 MPa may not be fully utilized
           when used in normal-grade concrete beams. The increase   2.  RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
           in the yield strength reduces the shear redundancy and the
           effectiveness of high-strength shear reinforcement.    The efficient use of high-strength material has the potential
                                                                  to provide durable, sustainable, and economical concrete
           A significant reserve strength has been observed in the concrete   members in high-rise structures with higher available floor
           beams reinforced with high-strength steel after diagonal   area and reduced maintenance requirements. However, the
           cracking. The failure of concrete struts was observed at the   full strength of high-strength steel is not utilized in the shear
           higher load levels for the beams reinforced with high-strength   design of concrete members because of serviceability concerns
           steel compared to those with conventional steel  [10] . Further, the   owing to the crack width limitations. The present study provides
           shear behavior of concrete beams is strongly dependent on   experimental evidence of the strength and serviceability of
           the shear span-to-effective depth (a/d) ratios. An experimental   concrete beams reinforced with high-strength steel having
           study conducted on high-strength concrete columns with   yield strengths in the range of 500-600 MPa. The influence of
           high-strength steel showed that shear failure occurred before   the yielding strength of reinforcing steel and the compressive
           the yielding of longitudinal reinforcement bars  [11] . Further, the   strength of concrete on the shear behavior of concrete beams
           shear reinforcement bars did not yield at the peak applied load   has been demonstrated. Particularly, the shear behavior of
           of columns. The increase in member depths and the decrease   concrete beams with low shear span-depth (a/d) ratios has been
           in aggregate size may result in the reduction in shear stress at   highlighted. Test results are compared with the design strengths
           the failure of concrete members  [12-13] . The average width of the   predicted using the provisions of different building codes. This
           shear crack may exceed the allowable limits of ACI 224R-01  [14]    study provides valuable information for updating the shear
           for the concrete beams of larger cross-sections and the higher   design provisions in the building codes.
           amount of shear reinforcement  [15-16] . Further, the concrete beams
           with low shear span-depth (a/d) ratios have exhibited either   3.  EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
           compression strut failure or shear compression failure  [17] . In
           such cases, the high-strength shear reinforcement may not yield   An experimental program has been undertaken in this
           before the maximum shear strength is reached.          study to investigate the behavior of RC beams subjected to
                                                                  monotonically increasing lateral loads. The details of test
           Despite numerous past studies on high-strength steel as shear   specimens, material properties, test setup, and instrumentations
           reinforcements, there is a lack of consistency in the shear design   are presented in the following sections.
           of RC beams worldwide. The Eurocode-02  [18]  limits the design
           yield strength of shear reinforcement to 600 MPa for all grades   3.1  Test specimens
           of concrete, whereas the Japanese Guidelines for Concrete  [19]
           allow the yield strength of shear reinforcement to reach up to   Six number of reinforced concrete (RC) beams of two different
           800 MPa, when the compressive strength of concrete is greater   concrete grades and three types of reinforcing steel were tested
           than 60 MPa. Past experimental studies have mostly focused on   in this study. The type of steel includes the high-strength rebars
           the concrete members having the a/d ratios exceeding a value   of Fe-500D, Fe-550D, and Fe-600 grades conforming to the
           of 2.0. However, very limited research has been conducted on   IS:1786 (2008)  [20]  specifications. The designation of steel grade
           concrete members having low a/d ratios and reinforced with   denotes the minimum specified yield strength of steel in MPa.
           high-strength transverse reinforcement.                For example, the grade Fe-500D represents the reinforcing bars

                                                                               THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL | JUNE 2022  15
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