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          Table 2: Shear Behavior of ECC Elements

            type of   sl.           Cross-seCtion   span    shear-span   details of
           speCimen no.  referenCes   (b×d) (mm)  (l)(mm)  ratio (a/d) *  reinforCement   oBjeCtive     oBservation
                    1.  Li et al.  [45]  150 × 210  540        -      Wire reinforcement  To investigate the   0.1 mm crack width of
                                                                          -0.75%    structural response of   the distributed fine crack
                                                                                    ECC shear beam.  makes ECC beam more
                    2.  Li and Wang  [12]  114 x 152  1017&1600  2.62 & 4.88  i)  steel-1.47%  The shear behavior of   GFRP reinforced ECC
                                                                      ii)  GFRP-1.82% &   GFRP reinforced ECC   beams exhibits enhanced
                                                                        2.73%       beams are investigated.  load carrying capacity
                                                                                                     and ultimate deflection
                                                                                                     of 46% and 56%,
                    3.  Shimizu et al.  [37]  180 x 280  2480  1.50   0%, 0.15% & 0.30%  To study the behavior of   ECC beam with 0.30%
                                                                                    ECC and RECC beams   steel reinforcement and
                                                                                    using the bending shear   fiber volume of 2.0%
                                                                                    test.            shows enhanced load
                                                                                                     carrying capacity when
                                                                                                     compare to other beams.
                    4.  Gideon et al.  [38]  320 × 140  -      -       No reinforcement  To investigate the shear   ECC significantly
                                                                                    behavior of ECC.  improves the structural
                                                                                                     durability and reliability
                                                                                                     upon diagonal tension
                                                                                                     or shear.
                    5.  Kanakubo and   180 x 280  840&700  1.50 & 1.25  0%, 0.15%, 0.30%,   To investigate the   The bending and shear
                       Shimizu  [36]                                   0.60%, 0.89% &   structural applications   cracks were observed at
                                                                          1.20%     and quality assurance for  0.0025 radians.
                                                                                    RECC beam.
                    6.  Kanakubo et al.  [26]  i)   30 × 50  i)  125  1.25  0.89% & 1.20%  The shear behavior   Medium-sized ECC
                                    ii)   64 × 100  ii)  250                        of plain concrete and   specimen showed higher
                                    iii)  180 × 280  iii)  700                      ECC in accordance   shear strength in case of
                                                                                    with the size effect was   no stirrups.
                    7.  Kanakubo et al.  [46]  180 × 280  700 & 840  1.5 & 1.25  0%, 0.15%, 0.30%,   To investigate the shear   Shear strength on crack
                                                                       0.60%, 0.89% &   transmission on crack   surface is about half of
             Beams                                                        1.20%     surface by single plane   tensile strength.
                                                                                    shear test.
                    8.  Zhang et al.  [40]  50 × 200  900&1200  2 & 3    No stirrups  To evaluate the behavior   Enhanced load carrying
                                                                                    of ECC beams with   capacity and crack
                                                                                    different shear-span ratio. pattern was observed for
                                                                                                     a/d=3 than a/d=2.
                    9.  Alyousif et al.  [41]  125 × 250  1130, 1560,   1, 2&3  No stirrups  To investigate the shear   For the shear-span
                                                   1990,                            behavior of RECC beams  ratio of 1, 2 & 3 the
                                                 1080, 1460                         with various shear-span   load carrying capacity
                                                   &1840                            ratio.           increases 30%, 23% &
                                                                                                     108% respectively.
                    10.  Paegle and    125 × 250   1100       1.4      0%, 0.23%, 0.45%   To investigate the   i) For same amount of
                       Fischer  [34]                                      & 0.9%    shear crack mechanism   shear reinforcement, the
                                                                                    of RECC beams. In   shear capacity of RECC
                                                                                    addition, the results were  beams increased 34%
                                                                                    compared with the results  than RC beam.
                                                                                    of the RC beams.  ii)The shear deformation
                                                                                                     and crack formation of
                                                                                                     RECC beams was 1.25
                                                                                                     and 3 to 5 times higher
                                                                                                     than RC beams.
                    11.  Meng et al.  [22]  100 × 200   2200   -          0.14%     To investigate the   The shear resistance of
                                                                                    shear response of ECC   RECC beams without
                                                                                    matrix and transverse   stirrups were 1.5 times
                                                                                    reinforcement of RECC   more than RC beams
                                                                                    beams.           without stirrups.
                    12.  Gu et al.  [35]  210 × 300  1700, 1900   650, 750 &550  BFRP – 0%, 0.24%,   To investigate the   BFRP reinforced ECC
                                                  & 2100               0.32% & 0.48%  shear behavior of FRP-  beams with slight
                                                                                    reinforced ECC beams   reinforcement ratio
                                                                                    and compared with FRP   of 0.24% significantly
                                                                                    reinforced concrete   enhances the shear
                                                                                    beams.           performance compared
                                                                                                     to BFRP reinforced
                                                                                                     normal beams.

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