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           and ductility of the panels. Further, the structural response of   3.1.2  Deflection and Ductility
           the ECC deck panels was improved by altering the steel truss
           substructure and the deflection of the panels were found to be   Compared to RC beams without stirrups, the RECC beams
           within the acceptable limit.                           without stirrups showed distinguished deflection due to the
                                                                  multiple cracking behavior of ECC . The RECC beams with
           Singh and Sivasubramanian  investigated the flexural    stirrups showed enhanced ductility than RC beams with stirrups
           behavior of steel reinforced portal frames made of ECC and   due to the strain-hardening behavior of ECC . The RECC
           concrete under static transverse bending. The study reported   beams without stirrups showed enhanced ductility index than RC
           that in ECC frames, multiple micro-cracks and flexural tensile   beams without stirrups . Addition of stirrups in FRP reinforced
           failure occur. Finally, the study concluded that replacement of   ECC beams increased the ductility significantly. However,
           concrete by ECC exhibit enhanced load carrying capacity and   when the transverse reinforcement ratio increases, the ductility
           ductility.                                             decreases due to the increased principle shear crack and
                                                                  confinement of web stirrups .
           ELEMENTS                                               3.1.3  Cracking Behavior and Failure Modes

           Generally, shear loads bring sudden brittle failure to concrete   RECC beams exhibit more ductile shear failure than RC
           elements. We understand that the shear failures are due to the   beams . The FRP reinforced ECC beams with and without
           diagonal tensile cracks. Though it is difficult to eliminate the   stirrups, exhibit shear tension failure due to the splitting of
           diagonal tensile cracks in shear field, it is certainly expected   cracks . The crack width of RECC beams was reduced due to
           that crack opening dramatically decreases by the effect of   localized deformation of ECC  [36,37] .
           fiber bridging in ECC. This phenomena enhances the shear
           performance of ECC structural elements such as load carrying   The Iosipescu ECC shear beam geometry was successfully
           capacity, deformation and ductility, energy dissipation and   used and multiple cracks in ECC under pure shear were
           damage tolerance. Hence, many research studies have    demonstrated . In RECC beams, first cracking strength was
           investigated the shear behavior of plain and RECC elements   little higher than RC beams and the crack opening in RECC
           such as beams, plates, panels and composite deck system as of   beams were 10 times less than that of RC beams. Despite the
           major interest. Some of the notable studies from the available   configuration of transverse reinforcement, the crack width of
           literature are presented in this section (see Table 2).  RECC beams was smaller compared to RC beams . For main
                                                                  shear crack, the average angle of 28.6°was observed . The
           3.1  Shear Behavior of ECC Beams                       average crack width occurred was less than 100µm .
           In order to understand the shear behavior of plain and RECC   The RC beam without stirrups undergoes shear failure, whereas
           beams, the parameters such as influences of load carrying   in RECC beams the failure mode changes from shear to flexure
           capacity and reinforcement ratio, stiffness and ductility, cracking   which implies that the RECC beams without stirrups has superior
           behavior and failure mode are to be explored. Significant   shear resistance . Diagonal shear failure was observed in pure
           research studies from the literature are discussed below in   bending region of ECC beams without stirrups .
           accordance with the above-mentioned parameters.
                                                                  3.1.4  Influence of Shear-span Ratio
           3.1.1  Presence of Shear Reinforcement and
           Load carrying capacity                                 The shear strength of the RECC beams is found to be higher
                                                                  with increase in shear-span ratio. Increase in shear-span ratio
           Compared to RC beams without shear stirrups, the RECC beams   exhibits enhanced load carrying capacity, decreased ductility,
           without shear stirrups showed distinguished load carrying   energy dissipation and stiffness for steel reinforced ECC
           capacity owing to the tensile strain-hardening property of   beams . In case of FRP reinforced ECC beams, shorter shear-
           ECC . The RECC beams with shear stirrups showed enhanced   span exhibits increased load carrying capacity with decreased
           load carrying capacity than RC beams with shear stirrups   ductility due to the sudden shear-compression failure. Whereas
           due to controlled crack deformation pattern offered by fiber   ECC beams with longer shear-span, failed in shear-tension
           bridging mechanisms in ECC which activates the main stirrup   with enhanced deformation . Moreover, shorter shear-span
           reinforcement at smaller crack widths . The FRP reinforced ECC   depth ratios maybe allowed and encouraged in the case of
           beams showed enhanced shear load carrying capacity than FRP   FRP reinforced ECC beams, which is consciously avoided in RC
           reinforced concrete beams with and without shear stirrups  [12, 35] .  beams when limit state is concerned .

                                                                               The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | June 2020  9
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