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           Table 1: Flexural Behavior of ECC Elements

            type of   sl.                 dimensions      details of
            speCimen no.   referenCes      (b×d×l) (mm)  reinforCement       oBjeCtive              oBservation
                      1.  Li and Wang  [12]  i)  114 x 152 ×1017  i)  Steel-1.47%  The flexural behavior of GFRP   GFRP reinforced ECC beams
                                        ii)  114 x 152 × 1600  ii)  GFRP-1.82% &  reinforced ECC beams are   exhibits enhanced load carrying
                                                          2.73%       investigated.           capacity and ultimate deflection
                                                                                              of 46% and 56%, respectively.

                      2.  Lepech and Li  [25]  l-175, 263, 350,  Steel-1.6%  The size effects and ductility of   Structurally sized ECC members
                                            700, 1400,                ECC structural members sized   eliminate the fracture based
                                           2100 & 2800                up to 3m were tested.   size effect.
                                        (d varies with l & b is
                                          not available)
                      3.  Kanakubo et al.  [26]  i)   40 × 40 × 160  Steel-1.04%  The flexural behavior of   Higher strength and
                                        ii)  100 × 100 × 400          plain concrete and ECC in   deformation capacity was
                                        iii)  280 × 280 ×1120         accordance with the size effect   attained by using smaller sized
                                                                      was investigated.       ECC specimens.
             Beams    4.  Singh and      100 × 120 × 1300  Steel-1.82%  The flexure behavior of under-  Both under-reinforced and over
                         Sivasubramanian  [32]              & 2.73%   reinforced and over reinforced   reinforced ECC beam showed
                                                                      ECC beams are examined.  ductile behavior.
                      5.  Yuan et al.  [24]  180 × 300 × 2350  BFRP - 0.377%    To investigate mechanical   FRP reinforced ECC beams
                                                            & 1.05%   performance of FRP reinforced   exhibit enhanced load-carrying
                                                                      ECC beam.               capacity, energy dissipation and
                                                                                              ductility than FRP reinforced
                                                                                              concrete beams.
                      6.  Meng et al.  [22]  100 × 200 × 2200  Steel-1.35%  To investigate the flexural   RECC beams showed enhanced
                                                                      behavior of ECC incorporated   higher load-carrying capacity,
                                                                      plain and steel RC beams are   mid-span deflection and
                                                                      investigated.           ductility of 14.8%, 103.6% and
                                                                                              13.6%, respectively than RC
                      7.  Suryanto et al.  [28]  i)  400 × 250 × 20  No reinforcement The effect of change in   In case of strength and initial
                                        ii)  550 × 420 × 20           principal stress direction of ECC  stiffness of the tested plates,
                                                                      plates with different orientation  damage orientation parameter
            Plain Slabs                                               of 20°, 45°, 70° and 90° are   is governing than the damage
            and Plates                                                investigated.           level parameter.
                      8.  Said et al.  [29]  590 × 220 ×25  No reinforcement The effect of PVA fibers on the   The flexural performance
                                                                      flexural performances of ECC   of ECC slab increases with
                                                                      slab are investigated.  increase in reinforcement index.
                      9.  Fischer  [19]  1219.2 × 609.6 ×   No reinforcement To evaluate the overall   ECC floor panel exhibits
                                             3657.6                   performance of ECC floor panel  enhanced flexural stiffness,
                                                                      system.                 strength and ductility.
                     10.  Qian et al.  [33]  230 × 229 × 711  1% &1.4%  The behavior of the ECC   Transition zone design
                                                                      link slab-bridge deck-girder   approach with ECC material
                                                                      connection are investigated.  makes ECC link slab a better
                                                                                              option for bridge deterioration
            Composite                                                                         problems and it is highly
                                                                                              durable compared with
                                                                                              concrete link slabs.

                     11. Larusson et al.  [21]  1200 × 50 × 8200  No reinforcement The structural response of   The design concept of both
                                                                      integrally cast ECC panels (ICP)  the ICP and the MP system
                                                                      and ECC modular deck panels   offer a 70% weight reduction
                                                                      (MP) are investigated.  in comparison to hollow core
           *(b-breadth, d-depth, l-length &t-thickness)

                                                                               The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | June 2020  7
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