Page 10 - Open-Access-June-2020
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            type of    sl.  referenCes  dimensions   shear-span   details of      oBjeCtive           oBservation
           speCimen no.               (b×d×t) (mm)   ratio (a/d)  reinforCement
                     13.  Qian and Li  [42]  305 x 305 x 152  -  No reinforcement  To  investigate  the  shear Load carrying capacity and slip
                                                                            behavior  of  ECC/stud capacity increases up to 24-53%
                                                                            connection on the pushout  and 220%.
                     14.  Kim et al.  [43]  600 x 600 x 100  -  No reinforcement  To investigate the shear capacity  In ECC shear wall the failure
                                                                            of ECC, FRC and plain concrete  mode transfers from brittle
             Panels                                                         shear  wall  experimentally  by  to ductile mode due to the
                                                                            diagonal shear test.  multiple cracking behavior of
                     15.  Yin et al.  [44]  100 × 100 × 300  -              To  investigate  the  shear Diagonal shear cracks were
            Composite                                                       behavior of ECC-grooved steel  formed with an angle of 30° to
              deck                                                          composite deck.      45° between the main crack and
                                                                                                 the shear load direction.
           * (a-span, b-breadth, d-depth & t-thickness)

           3.1.5  Size Effect in shear                            mode, ductility and ultimate load when compared to other
           Kanakuboet al.  reported that the small-sized ECC beams
           without stirrups showed enhanced shear strength than medium   Yin et al.  investigated the shear behavior of ECC grooved steel
           sized specimens. Whereas on addition of stirrups the shear   composite deck pavement. The interlayer shear performance
           strength was enhanced for large-sized specimens than medium-  and shear capacity of ECC grooved steel composite structure
           sized specimens owing to the yield strength of stirrups. Finally,   under different test parameters were studied and observed that
           the study concluded that the strength and deformation capacity   the tooth spacing, tooth width and tooth height had significant
           was enhanced in small-sized specimens. Such effect is due   influence on the shear capacity.
           to the uniform fiber orientation (one or two dimensions) and
           distribution of multiple cracks (over the shear region).  4.  BOND BEHAVIOR

           3.2  Shear Behavior of ECC Elements                    It is expected that due to the superior mechanical properties
                                                                  of ECC, it exhibits enhanced bond behavior. Few studies (see
           The shear behavior of other ECC elements such as stud, panels   Table 3) investigated the bond behavior of rebars embedded in
           and composite deck are also investigated for its structural   ECC as the major interest.
           performance/applications. The performance of such ECC
           elements showed promising and superior load carrying capacity,   Kanakubo and Hosoya  investigated the bond-splitting
           stiffness and deformation compared to conventional concrete   strength between ECC and reinforcing bars by conducting
           elements. Few notable studies from literature are discussed in   pullout bond test and beam bond test using small cover
           the following section.                                 thickness and bar spacing. The study reported that, in pullout
                                                                  specimens, the bond-stress slip of ECC specimens depicts
           Qian and Li  investigated the advantages of using stud   ductile behavior than that of conventional concrete. Finally, the
           connections in ECC. The study mainly focused on avoiding the   study concluded that ECC exhibits enhanced bond strength
           catastrophic failure in concrete stud connections of composite   in both pullout and beam bond test than that of conventional
           structures by using ECC. The study reported that ECC material   concrete.
           showed significant enhancement in load carrying capacity, slip
           and ductility compared to normal concrete, which is effective in   Lee et al.  investigated the bond-slip behavior of short
           redistributing loads among the shear studs.            and long steel reinforcement embedded in well-confined
                                                                  conventional concrete and ECC. The study reported that, the
           Kim et al.  investigated the effects of ductility in unreinforced   short reinforcement with embedment length of five times rebar
           shear wall panels made of ECC, Fiber Reinforced Concrete   diameter exhibited pull- out failure at elastic stage. Whereas,
           (FRC) and plain concrete using diagonal tension test. The study   in case of long reinforcement, it was fractured under pull-out
           reported that the FRC specimens showed slight increment in   loads even though slip at the free end was mobilized due to
           load carrying capacity compared to plain concrete but it was still   its inadequate embedment length. Finally, the presence of
           lower when compared to ECC specimen. Finally, ECC diagonal   ECC showed an increased maximum local bond stress of short
           tension specimen showed a significant enhancement in failure   reinforcement by 14%.

                                                                               The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | June 2020  11
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