Page 14 - June-2022
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           bars in the shear span regions as well as the longitudinal bars   5.  DISCUSSION
           at the mid-spans of test specimens. Shear load represents the
           force demand in the shear span regions which is taken as one-  The influence of the type of steel and the spacing of stirrups on
           half of the total load. The yielding strain limits of the longitudinal   the shear behavior of the test specimens has been discussed.
           and transverse reinforcement bars are also shown in the figure   The shear strength contribution of concrete from the test
           along with the corresponding design and service load levels   results was computed from the measured shear force just
           for the specimens. The strain in stirrups in the shear zones was   before the initiation of the diagonal shear crack using the shear
           observed to increase in all specimens only after the formation   load–transverse strain plots. The observed shear strengths
           of inclined shear cracks. However, these stirrups reached their   are compared with those predicted using the current code
           yielding limits prior to the failure of specimens. The inclined   provisions and other available shear design equations.
           shear cracking in the specimen L500-ST500 was observed at a
           shear force of 90 kN, whereas the yielding of stirrups was noted   5.1  Effect of steel grade
           at a shear load of 450 kN. The specimen L500-ST550 showed
           the first inclined shear crack at a shear force of 120 kN and   Table 2 summarizes the observed shear strengths of specimens
           the yielding of the stirrups in the shear span region at a shear   with design strengths predicted using different building codes.
           force of 520 kN. Similarly, the first shear crack in the specimen   The effect of the type of steel reinforcement on the shear
           L500-ST600 was observed at a shear force of 180 kN and the   strength is compared with the observed values of test specimens
           yielding of stirrups was noted at a shear force of 520 kN. The   in Table 2. For the Set-I specimens having the same grade of
           initiation of shear cracks in specimens L550-ST500 and L550-  concrete, longitudinal steel reinforcement, and a/d ratio, the
           ST550 was observed at shear loads of 170 kN and 180 kN,   increase in the yield strength of transverse steel increased
           respectively. The yielding of stirrups in these specimens was   the shear strength of beams. The specimen L550-ST500 of
           noted at corresponding shear forces of 520 kN and 460 kN.   the Set-II category exhibited the higher shear strength for the
           Similarly, the straining of stirrups in the specimen L550-ST600   same value of a/d ratio but with a higher concrete grade. The
           was observed at a shear load of 115 kN and the stirrups reached   measured shear strength values were normalized with respect
           their yielding limit at a shear load of 300 kN. This showed that   to the square root of the concrete compressive strength (  c f bd )
           the increase in yield strength resulted in the delayed yielding of   to eliminate the influence of grades of concrete as summarized
           transverse stirrups of specimens of the same grade of concrete   in Table 4. The normalized shear strengths (V exp  c f bd ) of the
           and a/d ratios.                                        Set-I specimens were noted in the range 1.53-1.58. Test results
                                                                  showed a small increase in the shear carrying capacity due to
           As shown in Figure 9, the yielding of longitudinal bars in the   the use of high-yield strength stirrups. The measured normalized
           shear spans was observed in some test specimens. In the case   shear strength of specimens was higher than the maximum
           of specimens L500-ST500 and L500-ST500, longitudinal bars in   shear strength limit of 0.83 f bd  as per the current ACI code .
           the shear span, where the shear failure was observed, reached   This shows that the presence of discontinuous of regions in low-
           yielding strain at nearly the same shear load levels. However,   shear span beams increased their diagonal tension strengths.
           the longitudinal bars in the other shear span reached their   A reduction in the normalized shear strength was observed
           yielding strain limits earlier than those in the failure shear span.   in the Set-II specimens as the failure of these specimens was
           The yielding of all longitudinal bars was observed in both shear   flexure-dominated. The use of both high-strength concrete and
           spans of the specimen L500-ST600. Similar behavior was also   high-strength longitudinal steel reinforcement resulted in an
           observed in specimen L550-ST550. However, the yielding of   increased shear resistance of concrete beams.
           longitudinal bars was not observed in the specimen L550-ST500.
           The state of strain in the longitudinal bars at the mid-span of   5.2  Angle of diagonal shear crack
           the test specimens at different shear load levels is also shown
           in Figure 9. It is worth mentioning that the longitudinal steel   Table 4 also summarizes the measured angles of inclination (θ)
           in the shear span region showed much higher strain demand   of diagonal shear cracks observed in the test specimens. The
           as compared to those at the mid-spans before their complete   values of θ in the Set-I specimens were varied in the range of
           collapse. The shear load-strain response of the Set-II specimens   44.1 -54.0 . For the same grade of concrete and a/d ratio, the
           was though nearly similar to that of the Set-I specimens, the   angle of diagonal shear crack was reduced as the yield strength
           magnitude of strain in the longitudinal steel at the mid-span was   of transverse steel reinforcing was increased. For the Set-II
           significantly higher than that of the stirrups in the shear span. It   specimens, the value of θ was varied in the range of 34.0 -48.0 .
           can be concluded that the yield strength limit for the transverse   The specimen L550-ST600 having the higher a/d ratio exhibited a
           steel reinforcement in the current codes may be increased   smaller angle of the diagonal shear crack of 34.0 .  For the higher
           to 600 MPa in the shear design of beams. Concrete beams   concrete compressive strength of concrete and high-strength
           reinforced with high-strength longitudinal steel and different   longitudinal steel, a smaller angle of diagonal shear crack was
           concrete satisfied both strength and serviceability criteria.  noted in the test specimens designed in accordance with the

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