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           Table 4: Comparison observed shear strengths with code predicted values using measured material
           properties and without partial-safety factors
           SPECIMEN       f ckm   f ' c   f ym   θ     V exp    IS:456  [2]   ACI 318  [3]  Sahoo  [23]   CSA A23.3  [24]
                                                        f '
                         (MPa)   (MPa)  (MPa)  (Deg.)  √  c  bd
                                                               V u  V exp  /   V u  V u  V exp  /   V u  V u  V exp  /   V u  V u  V exp  /   V u
                                                              (kN)          (kN)          (kN)           (kN)
            L500-ST500     42    33.6    540    54.0   1.53  185.2   2.8    185.9   2.8   200.3   2.6   159.2   3.2
            L500-ST550     42    33.6    580    46.1   1.56  180.2   2.9    180.9   2.9   195.3   2.7   154.3   3.4
            L500-ST600     42    33.6    620    44.1   1.58  179.1   3.0    179.8   3.0   194.2   2.8   153.2   3.5
            L550-ST500     60    48.0    540    45.3   1.34  191.6   2.8    201.2   2.7   213.4   2.5   162.1   3.4
            L550-ST550     60    48.0    580    42.1   1.29  189.5   2.7    199.2   2.6   211.4   2.5   162.1   3.2
            L550-ST600     64    51.2    620    34.0   0.83  185.1   1.9    196.6   1.8   208.3   1.7   173.4   2.0
           Notes: f ckm  = Measured mean cube compressive strength of concrete; f ' cm  = Estimated mean cylinder compressive strength of concrete;
           f ysm  = Measured mean tensile strength of steel stirrup

           current codes. This, in turn, resulted in an increased shear   in Table 5 . In all these design standards, the total shear strength
           resistance contribution of transverse stirrups in the beams.  (V u ) of a concrete member is considered as the sum of shear
                                                                  resistance of concrete, V c  and transverse reinforcement, V s .
           5.3 Comparison with predicted shear strengths          Both ACI 318-19  and Sahoo  [23]  utilize Constant-angle Truss
                                                                  Theory for the computation of the shear strengths of concrete
           The measured peak shear strengths, V exp  of specimens were   members, whereas the Modified Compression Field Theory
           compared with the predictions using the provisions of   (MCFT)  [25]  has been adopted in the CSA code  [24] . The values
           ACI 318-19  code, the Canadian Standards Association    of V c  and V s  for the test specimens were computed using the
           (CSA A23.3-04) code  [24] , IS: 456 (2000)  and Sahoo  [23] . The shear   measured material properties. Table 4 summarizes the ratio
           design provisions of these referred documents are summarized   of the measured maximum shear loads to the predicted shear

           Table 5: Summary of shear design provisions in various codes

                              V = 0.16φλ ρ  ) 1/3  f bd  ; V =  φ A f d
                                                          sv yv
                                       ( st
           ACI 318-19  [3]                           s     s
                                      λ =
                              φ  0.75;    = 1.0 (Normal-weight concrete)
                                                     
                                  0.85 f ′   c  1 5  +     6.89ρ   f ′    −  1   
           IS: 456 (2000)  [2]  V =             st     bd ;  V = 0.87A f  d
                                                                     sv yv
                                         6  f ′                        s v
                                            6.89ρ 
                                              st 
                                 0.36λλ λ ρ  f  ) 1/3              d
                                          ( st ck
                              V =    a g s        bd ; V = 0.87A f
                                                              sv yv
           Sahoo  [23]                  γ m                        s v
                              λ = 1.0 (Normal-weight concrete) ; λ = 1.0  (d<400 mm) λ =  0.83 (Rectangular section) ; m  = 1.5
                                                          d v cot θ
                                              V =
                                                    A f
                              V = φβ   f bd v  ;   s  s sv yv  s v
           CSA A23.3-04  [24]       0.4      1300      (M   d  ) V+        35  
                              β =                    ; ε =  ud  v  ud  ; k gd  =         ; θ =  29 7000ε ≥  30 ;
                                   1 1500ε x     1000 kd   +  gd v      x  ( 2 E A  )       16 a ge      x
                              φ  c  0.65;    φ =  s  = 0.85
           Notes: Total shear strength, V u  = V c  + V s ; θ = Angle of diagonal shear crack; a ge  = Effective size of coarse aggregate;
           d v  = Effective shear depth (≈0.9d ); M ud  = Design bending moment demand; V ud  = Design shear force demand
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