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         6. ResULts AND DIsCUssION                              results vulnerable to bias. Secondly, testing the model using a
                                                                variety of weighting schemes that favour one impact category or
         6.1 eDI Results                                        another can provide valuable information about the sensitivity
         EDI results for the six mix designs are presented in Figure 3. The   of the model, and the robustness of the results. For example,
         100GU mix design represents the base case scenario and all   if it is found that results do not change significantly when many
         EDIs are normalized to the results of the base mix. This explains   different weighting schemes are considered, then the results
         the EDI value of one (1.0) for 100GU. It can generally be seen   can be said to be robust and independent of the priorities of
         that most of the concrete mix designs containing alternative   different stakeholders. If results do change significantly, then
         concrete constituents have EDIs that are lower than one,   assessing various weighting schemes can provide insight for
         indicating a lower environmental impact compared to the base   various stakeholders about how the results may be interpreted
         case (100GU).                                          from different perspectives. In this study, it is acknowledged
                                                                that the results may be of interest to individuals and groups with
                                                                different views on the value of certain environmental systems
           ˜ÛˆÀœ˜“i˜Ì>  ˆÃÌÕÀL>˜Vi  ˜`ˆV>̜À ­˜œÀ“>ˆâi` ̜  1®       on the results presented in Figure 3 (weighting scheme 1

                                                                and processes. Therefore, to address the issue of weighting, a
                                                                systematic sensitivity analysis is applied to confirm and elaborate


                                                                The results of the sensitivity analysis conducted by application

                                                                of weighting schemes on the environmental impact categories,
                                                                were found to be the same as the trends presented in Section

                                                                6.1. The relative LCA performance of the mixtures, did not

                                                                   GU-25SL, GUL-25SL, GU-8SF-25SL, GU-10FA, GUL-10FA, all

                   )7                                           change and the general observations are:
                                                                   had improved performance compared to 100GU
                              œ˜VÀiÌi  ˆÝ  iÈ}˜
                                                                ii.   GU-8SF-25SL had a much lower environmental disturbance
                 Figure 3: EDI results for six concrete mix designs.
                                                                   compared to all the other mix designs.
         Figure 3 shows that the only mix containing SF (GU-8SF-25SL)   Table 4 shows the percent difference between the weighting
         has a EDI that is far lower compared to the other materials. This   Scheme 1 (0.25:0.25:0.25:0.25) result and the results for each
         is due to its relatively higher compressive strength and much   alternative weighting scheme, for each concrete mix design. It
         lower RCP value (only 421 C compared 3186 C of 100GU), which   can be seen in Table 4 that in general, the EDI results changed
         benefits its long-term integrity, compared to the other mixtures,   very little (<4%) irrespective of the weighting scheme applied.
         as shown in Table 2.
                                                                This indicates that for a given mix design, there is little variability
                                                                when different weighting schemes are applied.
         6.2 sensitivity Analysis
         6.2.1 Weighting                                        table 4: variation in eDI results for each mix design
                                                                with various impact category weighting schemes
         The LCIA results for four impact categories, acidification, global
         warming potential, resource depletion, and water depletion, are       % DIFFERENCE COMpARED TO WEIGhTING
         included in the calculation of the EDI. The results presented in      SChEME 1 (0.25:0.25:0.25:0.25) FOR EACh
         Figure 3 are for an equal weighting of the four impact categories                  MIX DESIGN
         (weighting scheme 1 (0.25:0.25:0.25:0.25)). A sensitivity analysis   WEIGhTING   Gu-  Gul-  Gu-8SF-  Gu-  Gul-
         of the weighting scheme can confirm and elaborate on these   SChEME   25Sl    25Sl   25Sl    10FA    10FA
         results. Evaluating different weighting schemes can also provide   2   0.53   0.56    1.47    0.77   0.69
         decision makers, who might prioritize the impact categories   (0.7:0.1:0.1:0.1)
         differently, with context for interpreting the green indicator   3
         results. As noted by Bengtsson and Steen, “weighting is not   (0.1:0.7:0.1:0.1)  -2.50  -3.45  -3.34  -1.54  -2.41
         meant to deliver the final verdict about the environmental   4
         performance … it is meant to give an additional input into the   (0.1:0.1:0.7:0.1)  -0.37  -0.34  -0.50  -0.28  -0.29
         process”  [27] . This quotation highlights two important points
         about weighting in LCA. Firstly, weighting should not be used   5      2.34   3.23    2.36    1.05   2.02
         to selectively determine the ‘final verdict’, as this makes the   (0.1:0.1:0.1:0.7)

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