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         incorporated into concrete as cement replacement. As with SL   disturbance by the EDI, which combines the environmental
         and FA, upstream energy, raw materials, and emissions are not   impacts with the functional unit to provide a measure of both
         included in this process, which is a common and conservative   environmental and technical performance. The results for the
         assumption  [18, 19] . SF transportation is modeled based on SF   mix designs containing the alternative concrete constituents
         sources and modes of transportation that are typical for the   are calculated relative to the results for the 100GU mix
         Ontario region. The corresponding emissions factors are shown   design, which are normalized to one. This allows for a quick
         in Athena  and the worst-case transportation scenario is from   determination of whether the mix designs containing alternative
         Niagara Falls (New York, USA) via St Basile (Quebec, Canada) to   concrete constituents offer an improvement over conventional
         Toronto (Ontario, Canada) (1623 km).                   concrete (EDI<1) or whether these mix designs have a higher
                                                                environmental disturbance than conventional concrete for a
         3.2.4 Limestone Process                                given functional performance (EDI >1).

         For limestone cement production, the transportation process of   In Equation 2, the index ‘i’ refers to the four impact categories
         raw materials is not included. This is because cement production   included in this study (namely acidification, global warming
         facilities are typically located at limestone quarries, and so there   potential, resource depletion, water depletion). The index
         is no transportation requirement for these materials  [20] . As a   ‘j’ refers to each of the six mix designs included in this study
         result, the only added process for limestone cement production   as described in Table 1. These indices are used to calculate
         is for the physical grinding of raw materials .
                                                                EDIs that incorporate LCA and LCIA results from four impact
                                                                categories. Note, base material mix is 100GU.
         3.2.5 Admixture Production Process
         Data for air entraining admixtures has been gathered from an   Equation 2
         environmental product declaration prepared by the European   4  LCIA result  impact category i, alt. material j  1
         Federation of Concrete Admixtures Associations  [21] . The   EDI j =∑                     x weighting x
                                                                        LCIA result impact category i, base material  FU

         environmental product declaration includes the raw materials,   i=1
         emissions to air, emissions to soil, and emissions to water.  where i = 1 to 4 and corresponds to impact category,
                                                                        j = 1 to 5 and corresponds to alternative materials,
         4. LCA – LIFe CyCLe IMPACt AssessMeNt                                    FU is functional unit,
                                                                  and weighting is the LCIA fraction taken for each impact category
         (LCIA) MetHODOLOGy
         In order to compile the LCI data and conduct the impact   As shown in Equation 2, the LCIA results for each impact
         assessment, GaBi 6 software package was used  [22] . GaBi 6 is   category were divided by the corresponding results for 100GU,
         packaged with several impact assessment methods, including   the base case mix design. The LCIA fraction of an impact
         the International Reference Life Cycle Data System method   category is multiplied by the “weighting” scheme, summed
         which was used for this study  [23] . LCIA consists of five steps in   and divided by the function unit (FU). An initial weighting of
         according to the ISO 14040 standard  [24] : (1) selection of impact   (0.25:0.25:0.25:0.25) was applied to acidification, global warming,
         categories, category indicators and characterization models;    resource depletion, and water depletion respectively to combine
         (2) assignment of LCI results to the selected impact categories;   these categories. Four other alternative weightings (shown
         (3) calculation of category indicator results; (4) calculating the   in Table 3) were also applied to evaluate the sensitivity of the
         magnitude of category indicator results relative to reference   results, as discussed in Section 6.2.1. A higher EDI indicates a
         information; and (5) converting indicator results of different   concrete with a lower environmental performance (and a higher
         impact categories by using numerical factors based on value-  environmental disturbance).
         choices. Four impact categories, i) acidification, ii) global
         warming potential, iii) resource depletion and iv) water   table 3: weighting schemes
         depletion, were selected for the analysis and the extent of   WEIGhTING  ACIDIFICA-  GlOBAl   RESOuRCE   WATER
         international consensus on their classification and      SChEME     TION     WARMING  DEplETION DEplETION
         characterization, as described in Stranddorf and Anders                     pOTENTIAl
         Schmidt  [25] . In LCA, characterization factors are science-based
         factors that are used to convert LCI data to actual environmental   1  0.25    0.25      0.25       0.25
         impacts  [26] .                                             2        0.7        0.1       0.1       0.1
                                                                     3        0.1        0.7       0.1       0.1
         5. LCA – INteRPRetAtION
                                                                     4        0.1        0.1       0.7       0.1
         This section describes the methodology used to interpret
         the LCA results by calculating the extent of environment    5        0.1        0.1       0.1       0.7

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