Page 4 - Open-Access-February-2020
P. 4





         TO EVAluATE ThE


         CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS                                                  DAmAn K. PAnEsAR, KARInA E. sETO,
                                                                               CAmEROn J. ChuRChILL, AnD
                                                                               RunxIAO ZhAng

         Abstract                                               cycle” , is a useful way to model the complex processes that
                                                                are included in the life cycle of a concrete product, and can also
         Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is applied to develop a    rigorously assess different mix designs. There are four stages in
         methodology for calculating Environmental Disturbance   an LCA, which guide the structure of this paper: i) Goal and
         Indicators (EDI) for six concrete mix designs of varying   Scope Definition, ii) Life Cycle Inventory, iii) Life Cycle Impact
         constituents (general use cement, limestone cement, and   Assessment, and iv) Interpretation.
         supplementary cementing materials). The objective of the study
         is to quantify the sustainability of concrete mix designs by LCA   Usually, the scope of concrete material LCAs is limited to
         and to understand the interplay between cementitious material   ‘cradle-to-gate’ analysis (i.e. as in literature  [4, 5, 6] ). This means
         selection, weighting schemes applied to four environmental   that the scope is limited to the production of either cement or a
         impacts and transportation distance (worst and best case)   specific concrete product. Less commonly, LCAs may be ‘cradle-
         scenarios. The results reveal that selection of cementitious   to-grave’, which includes all life stages, or ‘cradle-to-cradle’,
         materials has the greatest effect on the EDI in comparison to the   which includes the recycling of all materials at the end of life of
         weighting schemes and transportation scenarios, in this study.  a product. There has not been a full LCA on concrete materials
                                                                for structural applications that has focused on the Canadian
         Keywords: Concrete, Functional unit, Limestone cement, Life   context, or more specifically on the province of Ontario.
         cycle assessment, Supplementary cementing material.
                                                                Typically, the upstream profiles of admixtures and supplementary
                                                                cementing materials (SCMs) are not included within the scope of
         1. INtRODUCtION                                        concrete LCAs  [6, 7] .
         The production of cement-based products is responsible for a
         significant portion of global CO 2 emissions. In particular, 6-7%   Many studies use physical characteristics of concrete such as
         of global CO 2 emissions  can be attributed to the production   volume or mass (ex. 1 m  or 1 kg) as the functional unit  [8, 9] .
         of cement, which requires 3 GJ of energy per ton of clinker    This neglects important functional requirements for concrete,
         [2]  and is the component of concrete that has the highest   such as strength and durability. There is substantial literature
         environmental impact. For the past several decades, one   on the development of metrics that evaluate environmental
         strong motivation for the development and implementation   performance and a correspondingly large number of
         of alternative options to conventional concrete mix designs   indices have been proposed. Rametsteiner et al.  [10]  argues
         has been motivated by the need to reduce both cost and   that the role of sustainability indicators “is to structure and
         negative environmental impacts. Research efforts have resulted   communicate information about key issues and their trends
         in the proliferation of concrete mix designs in industry that are   considered relevant for sustainable development”; the authors
         claimed to be ‘greener’ or more sustainable than traditional   acknowledge that the development of sustainability indicators
         concrete mix designs.                                  extends beyond technical calculations and must include political
                                                                or philosophical value judgements about how sustainability
         Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which is defined as “the   is defined and measured. In light of this complexity, Moldan
         compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential   et al.  [11]  argue that it is not the calculation of indicators that
         environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life   is the challenge, but rather, the selection of appropriate

                                                                          The IndIan ConCreTe Journal | FeBruarY 2020  9
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