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         indicators and the proper application and interpretation of   2.2 scope
         these metrics. Fernandez-Sanchez & Rodriguez-Lopez  [12]  also
         argue that the many ISO standards that have been developed   2.2.1 Mix Designs
         with respect to sustainability indicators serve as a framework,   Six mix designs are shown in Table 1. The concrete mix
         rather than a methodology for creating and selecting indicators.   designs use general use (GU) cement, general use limestone
         Therefore, there is a need for straightforward methodologies   (GUL) cement (contains ~12% limestone), as well as three
         for developing sustainability or green indicators, and that these   Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) (ground
         must be clearly associated with the context of a specific project   granulated blast furnace slag (SL), fly ash (FA), and silica fume
         and stakeholder priorities.                            (SF)). All of the mix designs are practical mixes used in projects
                                                                at Ontario, Canada. The 100GU mix design is the base case
         In this paper, the concepts of LCA are applied to develop   scenario. Similar contents of cementitious materials in a range
         a methodology for calculating Environmental Disturbance   of 351 – 354 were used in the mixes 1, 2, 4 and 5 to compare the
         Indicators (EDIs) for six concrete mix designs. A methodology for   effect of GU and GUL cement on concrete properties.
         combining the LCA outputs with the functional performance of
         the concrete products, as measured by the measured hardened   2.2.2 System Boundary and Assumptions
         properties (strength and durability) is proposed. The result is
         the development of EDIs, which allow for the comparison of   Figure 1 presents the cradle-to-grave system boundary for
         diverse concrete constituents on the basis of both, life cycle   conventional (base case mix design) concrete (indicated in
         environmental impact and functional performance.       this paper as 100GU) which includes GU cement, fine and
                                                                coarse aggregate, and water. The processes for conventional
                                                                concrete represent the baseline system boundary. Each process
         2. LCA – GOAL AND sCOPe DeFINItION                     is comprised of input and output data such as energy use,
                                                                raw material use, and emissions to air, land, and water, that
         2.1. Goal
                                                                correspond to the activities including electricity grid mix, water
         EDIs are proposed as metrics for the assessment of both   treatment, aggregate production, cement production, concrete
         environmental and functional performance. This paper presents   plant operation and end-of-life. Figure 2 indicates the electricity
         a methodology for LCA and the development of EDIs for   grid mix composition, which includes nuclear, hydroelectric,
         concrete materials. The goal of this LCA is to critically compare   natural gas, and alternative means of energy production and
         alternative concrete constituents based on their environmental   is modelled based on the mix in Ontario in 2014. The water
         and functional performance.                            treatment process is the extraction and processing of water.

         table 1: Mix designs
                                                                            MIX DESIGN ID
          *j =                                       -          1           2          3          4          5
          QuANTITY (kg/m )                        100Gu**    Gu-25Sl    Gul-25Sl Gu-8SF-25Sl   Gu-10FA    Gul-10FA
          Water                                     180        155         150        140        128        147
          GU Cement                                 429        300          -         276        316          -

          GUL Cement                                 -          -          300         -          -         319
          SL                                         -          53         54         100         -           -
          FA                                         -          -           -          -          35         35

          SF                                         -          -           -         24          -           -
          Coarse agg.                               900        1064       1071       1000        1037       1036
          Fine agg.                                 875        779         781        800        777        771

          Air entraining admixture (mL/kg cement matl)  52      -           -          -          -           -

         * Index values corresponding to Equation 1 and Equation 2
         ** Base case scenario

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