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         [19]  Marceau, M., Nisbet, M. and VanGeem, M. (2006). Life Cycle   [24]  ISO-14040 (2006). “Environmental management — Life cycle
             Inventory of Portland Cement Manufacture, Skokie, IL:   assessment — Principles and framework”. International
             Portland Cement Association.                          Organization for Standardization.
                                                                [25]  Stranddorf, H. and Anders Schmidt, L. (2005). "Update
         [20]  CANMET and Radian Canada (1993). Raw material balances,   on impact categories, normalisation and weighting in
             energy profiles and environmental unit factor estimates:   LCA". Danish Ministry of the Environment Environmental
             Cement and structural concrete products, Ottawa, ON.
                                                                   Protection Agency.

         [21]  European Federation of Concrete Admixtures Associations   [26]  Scientific Applications International Corporation (2006).
             (2010). "EFCA Publications". Available: http://www.efca.  "Life Cycle Assessment- Principles and Practice". US
             info/publications.html.                               Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
                                                                [27]  Bengtsson, M. and Steen, B. (2000). "Weighting in LCA-
         [22]  PE International (2014), GaBi 6.0.
                                                                   Approaches and applications". Environmental Progress,
                                                                   19(2), 101-109.
         [23]  European Commission Joint Research Centre (2011).
             "International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD)   [28]  Panesar, D. K. (2019). “Developments in the formulation
             Handbook". Publications Office of the European Union,   and reinforcement of concrete - Supplementary cementing
             Luxemburg.                                            materials”. Woodhead Publishing.

                            DAMAN K. pANESAR is a Professor with the Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering,
                            University of Toronto, Canada. One broad objective of her research program is to advance concrete
                            technologies and concrete composites aimed to extend service life of structures and infrastructure while
                            reducing the environmental impacts, and improving the economic feasibility.  Her research outcomes are
                            applied to underground, nuclear, transportation and building structures. She is an active member of several
                            committees (CSA, RILEM, SMiRT, and IC-IMACTS). She also serves on the editorial board for Cement and
                            Concrete Composites, and the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.

                            KARINA E. SETO is currently working as a civil and hydrotechnical team leader at WSP Canada. She
                            received her BEng. degree (McMaster University) and MASc. degree (University of Toronto) in Canada. Her
                            research interests include sustainability modeling of construction materials based on life cycle assessment and
                            environmental management.

                            CAMERON J. ChuRChIll is working as an assistant professor and director of engineering and
                            society with McMaster University, Canada. He obtained his BEng. degree and MASc. degree from McMaster
                            University. Churchill’s research interests are project design and management as well as infrastructure

                            RuNXIAO ZhANG is a postdoctoral research fellow in University of Toronto. He holds BEng. degree
                            and MEng. degree from Beihang University in China and Ph.D. degree from University of Toronto in Canada.
                            Zhang’s research activities are focused on the sustainable construction materials and the durability of cement-
                            based materials.

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