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           iii.   FRM reinforced with both PP and steel fibers    [6]   Aydın, S., Yazıcı, H., and Baradan, B. (2008). “High
               demonstrated reduced residual compressive strength after   temperature resistance of normal strength and autoclaved
               subjected to elevated temperatures compared to their   high strength mortars incorporated polypropylene and
               individual counterparts.                               steel fibers”. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 22,
                                                                      No. 4, pp. 504-512.
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           v.   In contrast, at both of the temperature conditions, the
               FRM with steel fibers shows excellent compressive   [9]   Das, S. K., Mishra, S., Das, D., Mustakim, S. M., Kaze, C. R.,
               strength even after exposed to high temperatures, and   and Parhi, P. K. (2021). “Characterization and utilization of
               the residual compressive strength of the FRM is increased   coal ash for synthesis of building materials”. In Clean coal
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               600°C, respectively. Thus it can be suggested that, the   [10]  Liu, J., and Guo, R. (2018). “Applications of steel slag
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           This research did not receive any specific grant from funding   made with industrial by-products as fine aggregate
           agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors  replacement”. Construction and building materials, Vol.
                                                                      25, No. 2, pp. 967-972.

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