Page 4 - February-2022
P. 4




           CONCRETE                                                                                MARK ALEXANDER*

                                                                                                   MATTHEW HOLMES

           Abstract                                               accounts for the bulk of its GHG emissions. This is the result
                                                                  of the liberation of CO 2  during the calcining of limestone, as
           Due to the vast quantities of concrete that are produced   well as the burning of coal fuel and energy intensive milling
           annually, the material represents substantial greenhouse gas   processes. However, clinker provides the desired strength,
           (GHG) emissions, with clinker contributing the most significant   deformation and durability properties of concrete. Therefore,
           portion. This paper presents an investigation aimed at reducing   there has been extensive research surrounding the reduction
           the clinker content required to achieve compressive strength   of clinker content while ensuring the attainment of required
           while not detrimentally affecting workability, using particle   engineering properties . Typical outcomes have been the
           packing modelling and limestone filler to replace clinker. The   partial replacement of clinker with supplementary cementitious
           compaction interaction packing model (CIPM) and the modified   materials (SCMs) and the use of ‘alternative’ binders. However,
           Andreasen and Andersen curve (MAAC) were applied and   both have only enabled limited clinker reduction on a large
           integrated, the former for powder packing and the latter for fine   scale, primarily due to issues of availability, limited replacement
           and coarse aggregate packing. The CIPM was calibrated based   ratios and, in the case of alternative binders, highly sensitive
           on compaction effort applied experimentally, and predicted   reactant materials, likely better suited to niche markets.
           powder packing densities were validated experimentally.   This research investigated optimization of the packing density
           The integrated model was then applied to obtain optimized   of concrete materials to reduce the clinker content of concrete.
           concrete mix designs with maximum packing density. Results   Such optimization has been investigated by others  [3,4]  where it
           showed that workability could be retained but compressive   was confirmed that the largest potential for clinker reduction
           strength decreased relative to a reference mix. The binder   by this method was the optimization of the powder phases
           efficiency index (kg binder/MPa/m concrete) showed very   (<125 µm) of concrete. The optimization undertaken in this
           acceptable performance relative to the international literature,   research was the maximization of packing density without
           confirming that packing optimization was able to effect   detrimentally affecting workability. This was done with the aim
           clinker reduction without detrimentally affecting compressive   of minimizing the mass of reactive binder required to achieve
           strength for strength classes < 50 MPa. There remains a need   1 MPa of compressive strength per cubic meter of concrete, an
           to maximize filler content in concrete mixtures and to better   indicator known as the binder efficiency index (bi).
           understand the fundamental influences of powder packing,
           to develop predictive processes that incorporate indicators   2.  METHODS
           of practical usability (such as water demand and expected
           workability) while maximising packing density.         2.1  Particle packing modelling
                                                                  To minimize excessive trials, analytical particle packing models
           Keywords: Particle packing modelling, Clinker, Filler, Fly ash,   were applied to guide the selection of material quantities for
           Compressive strength
                                                                  maximizing packing density. A review of existing particle packing
                                                                  models identified the integration of two packing models [the
           1.  INTRODUCTION                                       compaction interaction packing model (CIPM) and the modified
                                                                  Andreasen and Andersen curve (MAAC)] as a feasible solution to
           Concrete, the most widely used construction material known   particle packing optimization. Both models were implemented
           for its robust engineering properties, is actually a relatively   in Microsoft Excel.
           low greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter. However, due to the vast
           quantities of concrete manufactured globally, equivalent to    2.1.1  CIPM
           1 ton per person annually , significant GHGs are associated
           with the use of this construction material. When considering the   The CIPM  is an extension of the compressible packing model
           manufacture of concrete, clinker, the basis of Portland cement,   (CPM)  considering a poly-disperse system of particles to
                                                                           THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL | FEBRUARY 2022  7
           *Corresponding author : Mark Alexander, Email:
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