Page 2 - February-2022
P. 2

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                                                                                                                  PUBLISHED             PUBLISHED

                                                                                                                  IN ICJ                IN ICJ

                                                                                                                  ICJ Invites your contributions on :  ICJ Invites your contributions on :

                                                                                                                  All dimensions relating to concrete construction – especially those which an   All dimensions relating to concrete construction – especially those which an

                                                                                                                  academician or a researcher often leaves it to the professional to deal with.  academician or a researcher often leaves it to the professional to deal with.

                                                                                                                  Some of the recommended topics are listed below, but not limited to:  Some of the recommended topics are listed below, but not limited to:

                                                                                                            Issues in production, installation and quality control of precast members  a)  a)  Issues in production, installation and quality control of precast members

                                                                                                            Formwork covering importance, design, economy and safety  b)  b)  Formwork covering importance, design, economy and safety

                                                                                                            Specifications – challenges in implementation, development and adaptation for  c)  c)  Specifications – challenges in implementation, development and adaptation for
                                                                                                            specific purposes or projects     specific purposes or projects

                                                                                                            Quality control in concrete construction  d)  d)  Quality control in concrete construction

                                                                                                            Sustainability in concrete construction - Environmental impact, reuse of demolition  e)  e)  Sustainability in concrete construction - Environmental impact, reuse of demolition
                                                                                                            and other ‘waste’                 and other ‘waste’

                                                                                                            Special construction methods – shotcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete, roller  f)  f)  Special construction methods – shotcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete, roller
                                                                                                            compact                           compact

                                                                                                            Methods of compaction  g) CEMENT  READY MIX CONCRETE  BUILDING MATERIALS  CEMENT  READY MIX CONCRETE  BUILDING MATERIALS  g)  Methods of compaction

                                                                                                                  GUEST EDITOR :  Prof. Dr. Sudhir Misra,  GUEST EDITOR :  Prof. Dr. Sudhir Misra,
                                                                                          Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur                          Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

                                                                                 th                               Submission Timeline: 30  April 2020  Submission Timeline: 30  April 2020

                                                                                                                  ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE REVIEWED BY ICJ'S EXPERT EDITORIAL COMMITTEE.  ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE REVIEWED BY ICJ'S EXPERT EDITORIAL COMMITTEE.
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