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           It is noted that the most critical diameters of the references   micromorphology are generated in pastes after
           including P00 and PLS00 have few decrease at 365 days      rehydration reaction.
           compared with the critical diameters at 90 days in terms of
           Figure 6 - 7 though the rehydration degree and compressive   5.  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
           strength of them have marked increase after 90 days. On the   This study was funded by the key project of Natural Science
           one hand, it may be because that the late age rehydration   Foundation of Anhui Polytechnic University (Xjky2022165), the
           degree of paste is obviously lower than early age hydration   Start Fund of Talent Introduction of Anhui Polytechnic University
           degree after all  [18] . In addition, the effect of cement hydration on   (2021YQQ062) and the Natural Science Research Project of
           the pore size refinement of paste is evidently inferior to that of   Universities in Anhui Province (KJ2021A0504).
           MK reaction  [35] . The outstanding increased compressive strength
           of the references at late ages may be attributed to apparently   Conflicts of Interest : The authors declare no conflict of interest.
           enhanced interfacial transfer zone (ITZ) of mortars by rehydration
           reaction  [36] .                                       REFERENCES

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