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August - 2014

    Technical Papers
  • Portland cement based new cements for self curing and corrosion resistance N.P. Rajamane, R. Jeyalakshmi and Ganesh Kumar G.
  • Activation of siliceous fly ash at very high levels of cement replacement G.V. P. Bhagath Singh and Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam
  • Damage detection at multiple locations in reinforced concrete structures using algorithm based on transfer function estimate P. Rathish Kumar, Toshiyuki Oshima, Shuichi Mikami and Yasunouri Miyamouri
  • Reviewing some properties of polymer concrete Raman Bedi, Rakesh Chandra and S.P. Singh
  • Features
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  • Discussion Forum
  • Point of View: Finite element modeling of RC deep beams strengthened in shear with CFRP strips Mitali R. Patel and Tejendra Tank
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