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April - 2014

    Technical Papers
  • Greener concrete using post-consumer products Rakesh Kumar and Tarun R. Naik
  • Greener concrete using industrial by-products Rakesh Kumar and Tarun R. Naik
  • Geopolymer concrete for environmental protection B. Vijaya Rangan
  • Reducing shrinkage cracking with internal curing : From theory to practice Tim Barrett, Albert Miller and Jason Weiss
  • The UHPFRC revolution in structural design and construction Jacques Resplendino and François Toutlemonde
  • UHPC in the U.S. highway infrastructure: Experience and outlook Benjamin A. Graybeal
  • Strain-hardening cementitious composites Victor C. Li
  • Sustainable rehabilitation with fiber reinforced concrete Nemkumar Banthia, Cristina Zanotti and Manote Sappakittipakorn
  • Features
  • Editorial
  • Guest Editorial - N. Subramanian
  • News and Events
  • Discussion Forum : Strength and drying shrinkage of green concrete
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